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由零開始到JLPT N1 大概要學習多久?

從零開始學習到JLPT N1需要的時間會因人而異,取決於你的經驗、學習速度和每天學習的時間。一般來說,如果你每天花費充足的時間學習,從零開始到達JLPT N1需要大約三年到五年的時間。這還取決於你的學習方法和學習資源的品質。使用好的學習方法和資源可以幫助你更有效地學習和進步。



JLPT N5:約需學習150小時左右,約3-6個月

JLPT N4:約需學習300小時左右,約6-12個月

JLPT N3:約需學習450小時左右,約1-1.5年

JLPT N2:約需學習600小時左右,約1.5-2年

JLPT N1:約需學習900小時以上,約2-3年


How long does it take to go from zero to JLPT N1?

The time it takes to go from zero to JLPT N1 varies depending on your experience, learning speed, and daily study time. Generally, if you spend sufficient time studying every day, it takes about three to five years to reach JLPT N1 from scratch. This also depends on the quality of your learning methods and resources. Using effective learning methods and resources can help you learn and progress more efficiently.

How long does it take to learn each level?

Here is a general estimate of the time required for learners to study each JLPT level:

JLPT N5: About 150 hours of study, or 3-6 months.

JLPT N4: About 300 hours of study, or 6-12 months.

JLPT N3: About 450 hours of study, or 1-1.5 years.

JLPT N2: About 600 hours of study, or 1.5-2 years.

JLPT N1: Over 900 hours of study, or 2-3 years.

Of course, this is only a general estimate, and actual learning time will vary depending on individual differences. In addition to study time, it is also important to consider the quality of your learning methods and resources, as well as your native language and other language learning experiences.

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